Sunday, June 6, 2010


Placencia is a beautiful town on the beach about 10 minutes from Independence by boat. We went to a beach bar called Tipsy Tuna where we sang karaoke. I did my regular performances of Stand By Your Man and Why Haven't I Heard From You?. We also sang numerous duets. But for my final number I represented my home state by singing Oklahoma. And of course, I put my guns up and yelled "State!" at the end of the song.

The next day, I went to the beach for the first time in my life. While snorkeling, I saw several starfish and found some pretty shells.

The above picture was taken on the balcony of where I stayed.


  1. Scott says this sounds like a big vacation so far. He wants to know what kind of academic value this little "internship" has. And yes, he did the air quotes.

  2. Dad is ready for an album with many pictures. He wants to see you "farming"!

  3. Thanks for making the blog!! I'm excited for you on your big adventure and can't wait to keep reading! The beaches look amazing and it seems like a lot of fun (is this reeeeally for school? haha). Keep us posted!

  4. Hey I like the "Belize Goddess" comment. Sounds like something I would say. lol

  5. I was thinking that your chemical application was putting color on hair....quess you could of stayed in the states for that huh.
