Friday, June 4, 2010

Going Bananas

On my second day in Belize, I got to go to the banana farm. I got an overview of bananas and how they are produced. Bananas are not considered to be grown on a tree. They are essentially a giant grass plant. Doesn't that blow your mind? Between the two farms I am working on, there is nearly 1100 acres of banana plants. 80% of the plant is composed of water. It is a very interesting crop. To throw a little banana lingo at you, a bunch of bananas is what you see in the picture above. A hand is each little section, which is cut into clusters. So, at the store, you are buying a cluster of bananas, not a bunch.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Evin, for the agricultural education. I now want to go to the store and get a CLUSTER of bananas and bake banana bread.
    These bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!
